
公元2499年。 The Terrans have spread far beyond Earth. In this region at the edge of the galaxy, beyond any contact from the civilized systems, the dregs of Terran society struggle against the elements on a few harsh worlds. The ruthless Terran Confederacy strives to tighten its rule over the scattered colonies.

Seemingly from nowhere, a swarm of unknown creatures descend and attack — the Zerg. The Protoss arrive and wipe out all life on the planet Chau Sara, including the Terrans, in an effort to halt the Zerg infestation.

這是原始版星際爭霸遊戲(original StarCraft game)中的人族戰役。


玩家以地球人聯邦的一個新官員開始戰役,該官員負責保護當地的殖民者,但是卻發現聯邦武裝將拒絕援助他們。於是,玩家聯合了一名戰地指揮官Jim Raynor,開始自發地抗擊來襲的未知怪物,即所謂的蟲族。為了保護平民,玩家被迫從聯邦武裝中分裂了出來,加入了一個名為「克哈之子」的叛軍組織,頭目名叫Arcturus Mengsk,他率部抗擊蟲族。在隨後的戰鬥中,Raynor同Mengsk的副官Sarah Kerrigan認識並建立了友誼。Kerrigan從前是聯邦的一名間諜,她懂得使用心靈感應能力。之後,玩家及叛軍發現了聯邦武裝的秘密武器"Psi Emitters",它可以發射一種吸引蟲族的電波。將這個裝置秘密地放在不忠於聯邦的殖民地中,就可以引來蟲族將其鏟除,從而起到借刀殺人的效果。不計後果的叛軍於是決定用同樣的方法去吸引蟲族來攻擊聯邦。與此同時,另一個文明——神族正在有計劃地阻止蟲族的蔓延,他們竭盡全力地抗擊蟲族。但這也正好攪亂了叛軍的計劃。叛軍最終還是設法達到了目標,推翻了聯邦;但這是以Mengsk違背自己最初的諾言,將Kerrigan故意出賣給了蟲族為代價的。Raynor和他的部隊因此離開了「克哈之子」。Mengsk控制了剩下的人族殖民地,建立了自己的政權,並自封為皇帝。

This is the Zerg campaign of the original StarCraft game.

Full details are in StarCraft Episode II.

The player takes over the role of a newly hatched Zerg Cerebrate, the immortal motive force behind an otherwise subsentient Zerg Brood. The player must first protect and transport a unique new Zerg; an infested form of Sarah Kerrigan. This new Zerg/Terran hybrid is instrumental in unlocking the secrets of Protoss assimilation. The player must fight off Terran forces that are telepathically called by Kerrigan, and a new form of Protoss attack that can permanently kill Zerg Cerebrates. However, when the Cerebrate was killed by this attack, the Overmind, the center of the Zerg hive mind, discovered the location of the Protoss homeworld, Aiur, and the Zerg battled their way there. Here, the Overmind was made manifest as the Protoss reeled in defeat.

This is the Protoss campaign of the original StarCraft game.

Full details are in StarCraft Episode III.

本節一開始,Tassadar,就是在第一章中率領神族部隊的執政官被解職,玩家以一名新執政官的身份接替他的職務。原因是Tassadar認為沒完沒了地殺滅蟲族士兵是無益的,他沒有執行任務,反而,在第二章中,去尋訪了被流放的「黑暗聖堂武士」,並學會了使用他們的黑暗感應能力來對付蟲族的腦囊。回來之後,Tassadar教神族用這種新方法攻擊蟲族,自己卻因為同流亡者來往而被逮捕。在少數仍然忠誠的神族(包括玩家)以及流浪的人族Jim Raynor部隊的幫助下,Tassadar被從監獄里劫持出來,但也引發了一場神族的內戰。為了阻止內戰,Tassadar答應妥協,前提是所有神民先團結起來解救被蟲族侵略的家園。這個協議達成了,神族、黑暗武士和流浪人族的聯軍向蟲族頭目Overmind發起了攻擊。在漫長而殘酷的戰鬥之後,玩家一方設法摧毀了Overmind的外殼,但無法再進一步。在Overmind試圖轉移的關頭,Tassadar將自己全部能量(包括高能聖堂和黑暗聖堂)聚集到了自己的飛船上,駕船撞向了Overmind,與之同歸於盡。星際爭霸第一部分故事告一段落。

Tassadar捨生取義的壯舉終於消除了神族對他的誤解,他被追綬了類似聖人的榮譽。在《母巢之戰》中,神族中出現了"En Taro Tassadar"的問候語。

This is the Protoss campaign of the StarCraft Brood War game.

Full details are in StarCraft Episode IV.

Following Tassadar's sacrifice, the Zerg on the Protoss homeworld are in disarray, but still overwhelmingly numerous. Protoss refugees retreat to the homeworld of the Dark Templar, Shakuras, despite protests from Aldaris, the leader of the Conclave. The Zerg follow them to Shakuras. The Protoss and Dark Templar reluctantly join forces with Sarah Kerrigan's Zerg forces, after she explains she's now free of the Overmind's control, but that a new Overmind is growing on Char. Kerrigan asks for their help to kill it before it reaches maturity and takes control of Kerrigan's mind again. However, the Protoss ask for a favor in return. Two ancient crystals, fused with the powers of the dark and light templar, must be recovered to defeat the Zerg on Shakuras. The two crystals are discovered and the Overmind is crippled (but not killed). During the battles, a massive Terran fleet from the distant United Earth Directorate intervenes, and Aldaris, troubled by their relations with the "traitorous" Dark Templar, split off and declare war on Tassadar's forces and the Dark Templar. The two crystals, infused with the power of the two templars, are then joined in a Xel'Naga temple on Shakuras. The two energies mix and wipe out all Zerg on the planet, thus saving the Protoss.

This is the Terran campaign of the StarCraft Brood War game.

Full details are in StarCraft Episode V.

The player joins the United Earth Directorate (UED) Expeditionary Fleet, assigned to subdue the Terran worlds in this sector, but their high-handed actions quickly make enemies of all the various Zerg and Protoss factions as well. Their first enemy to fall is Mengsk's Dominion, and later they gain telepathic control of the local Zerg. Kerrigan convinces Raynor to rescue Mengsk. Though divided by a Zerg infested human spy, the UED succeeds in capturing and enslaving the new Overmind and control of Zerg swarms.

This is the Zerg campaign of the StarCraft Brood War game.

Full details are in StarCraft Episode VI.

With the Zerg growing under the control the massive UED fleet, Kerrigan is severely threatened. Painting herself as a victim, and the combined UED and Zerg as the greater enemy (combined with careful use of threats and hostages) she gains the reluctant assistance of the scattered Terran, Protoss and Dark Templar forces. As the UED is beaten back, however, she turns on each of her "allies" one by one. The Overmind is killed, and Kerrigan gains control of all the Zerg.-----

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